5643 Sins
We have been working with Huwiler painter since 2016 and are always very satisfied. The service is very competent and reliable and the price is fair. Gabor is very friendly and professional. As a long-time employee, he knows us and our property, which is helpful for the work.
Thank you for the top work! A strength of the painter Huwiler: the right person for every job, because nobody can do everything best ;)
Perfect details, clean workplace, fast work, very friendly employees and great results. Until next time...
We can warmly recommend the painter Huwiler. Clean offer. Timely completion. Clean, speedy, competent, in short perfect execution by the two young painters.
Den Maler Huwiler können wir wärmstens empfehlen. Saubere Offerte. Termingerechte Erledigung. Saubere, speditive, fachkompetente, kurz gesagt perfekte Erledigung durch die beiden jungen Malerinnen.